Introduction to Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails
Learn how to optimize your Ruby on Rails app using background jobs with Sidekiq and ActiveJob. Boost performance, manage queues, and scale with ease.

In the world of web applications, every second counts. Users expect a fast, seamless experience, yet some essential tasks can consume precious time. 

These tasks include sending emails, processing data, or making API calls, which can affect your app's performance and frustrate users. Imagine if you could handle these tasks in the background, letting users go through your app without a delay. 

This is where background jobs in Ruby on Rails come in. By offloading tasks to Sidekiq ActiveJob, and scaling worker processes, you can keep your app responsive, efficient, and satisfying. 

Let's dive into mastering background jobs in Ruby on Rail and supercharging your Rails app.

What are Background Jobs?

Background Jobs allow these time-consuming processes to run asynchronously, outside the main request flow. It improves application performance and keeps the user interface responsive.

By handling tasks like email delivery and file processing, you free up the main thread for faster responses. Tools like Sidekiq and ActiveJob integrate background jobs into your Ruby on Rails application. This approach boosts efficiency and creates a smoother experience for users.

In Ruby on Rails, there are two popular background processing solutions:


 A built-in abstraction that provides a standard interface for job queuing systems. This powerful feature allows developers to switch between different queuing backends easily, ensuring flexibility in job processing.


A robust, efficient, and widely used background processing library that uses Redis to manage its queues and worker processes. With its multi-threaded architecture, Sidekiq significantly enhances performance and allows for processing multiple jobs.

Common Use Cases for Background Jobs:

●     Sending email notifications.

●     Processing images or videos.

●     Interacting with external APIs.

●     Generating reports or processing large datasets.

●     Scheduling tasks (e.g., daily reminders).

Using Sidekiq with ActiveJob for Efficient Background Processing

Introduction to ActiveJob

ActiveJob provides a uniform interface for various background job backends (like Sidekiq, Resque, or Delayed Job). It's the default way to manage jobs in Rails, offering simplicity and flexibility.

Configuring Sidekiq as the Backend for ActiveJob

By default, Rails uses async for background processing, but it's not ideal for production environments. Sidekiq, on the other hand, is known for its high performance and reliability. To integrate Sidekiq with ActiveJob, follow these steps:

1- Add Sidekiq and Redis to your Gemfile:


gem 'sidekiq'

gem 'redis'


2- Run bundle install.

3- Update your Rails application to use Sidekiq as the ActiveJob backend. In config/application.rb, add:


config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq



4- Set up a Sidekiq configuration file (config/sidekiq.yml) to define the number of workers and other options:


:concurrency: 5


 - default

 - mailers



5- Create a new background job:


class EmailJob < ApplicationJob

 queue_as :default


 def perform(*args)

   # Simulate a time-consuming task

   puts "Processing task in background: #{args}"





6- Trigger the job in a Rails controller:


class NotificationsController < ApplicationController

 def create

   EmailJob.perform_later('Send Email', 'User Data')

   render plain: 'Email Notification Job Queued!'




Now, when a request hits the create action, Sidekiq will process this job by

Best Practices for Retries and Error Handling

Sidekiq automatically retries failed jobs, but handling retries carefully is crucial to prevent failures from blocking your queues. It's essential to consider scaling worker processes to maintain optimal jobs.

Here’s how you can manage retries effectively:

Custom retry logic:

You can limit retries by specifying the retry option:


class EmailJob < ApplicationJob

 retry_on StandardError, wait: 5.seconds, attempts: 3




Error handling

 For errors that are unlikely to resolve on retries, like validation errors, consider using discard_on to prevent unnecessary retries:


class EmailJob < ApplicationJob

 discard_on ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound




Scaling Background Job Workers with Sidekiq

Scaling Sidekiq Workers

As your application grows, scaling worker processes becomes vital for increasing job loads. Sidekiq makes this process straightforward:

1- Configuring worker processes:

In production, you can scale by running more Sidekiq workers (each capable of processing multiple jobs concurrently). Update your Procfile or process manager (e.g., systemd, foreman, or Heroku) to manage multiple Sidekiq workers.
Example Procfile for Heroku:


worker: bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml


2- Optimizing concurrency:

Scaling worker processes is essential to optimize concurrency. Sidekiq allows you to set the number of concurrent jobs each worker can handle using the concurrency option in sidekiq.yml. Balance this based on your server’s CPU and memory capacity.


:concurrency: 10



Managing Queues and Priorities

You can set up different queues for various job types (e.g., default, low_priority, critical). This allows you to prioritize important jobs over others:


class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob

 queue_as :critical




In your sidekiq.yml, define priorities:



 - critical

- default

- low_priority



This setup ensures that critical jobs are processed before others. 

Monitoring and Troubleshooting with Sidekiq's Web UI

Sidekiq offers a built-in Web UI for monitoring jobs, queues, and workers. You can mount the Web UI in your Rails routes for easy access:


# config/routes.rb

require 'sidekiq/web'

mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'


This Web UI provides real-time insights into your job processing, showing the status of queues, retries, and any failed jobs.

Optimizing Background Job Performance in Rails

To optimize background jobs’ performance, you must follow these best practices:

Long-running jobs can block queues, slowing down your entire job processing system. To avoid this:

●     Break large jobs into smaller chunks: Use techniques like batching or chunking to process large datasets incrementally.

●     Use Sidekiq's batch feature for complex workflows that depend on multiple jobs running successfully.

Efficiently Using Redis as a Data Store for Sidekiq

Sidekiq relies on Redis to manage job queues. Some optimization tips include:

●     Set appropriate Redis memory limits to prevent Sidekiq from consuming too much.

●     Use Redis clustering to distribute load in high-traffic applications.

Real-World Performance Optimization

Optimizing Sidekiq's performance can significantly improve a high-traffic application. For instance, reducing job retry intervals, monitoring Redis memory usage, and adding more worker processes helped a SaaS company handle spikes in traffic smoothly during peak times.


Mastering background jobs in Ruby on Rails with Sidekiq and ActiveJob improves your app’s performance and scalability. By implementing efficient scaling worker processes, you can easily manage queues and monitor job performance using Sidekiq's Web UI. 

This proactive approach ensures your application runs smoothly under heavy load, providing a seamless user experience. Start small, follow best practices, and scale as needed. 

Start by integrating background jobs into your exciting workflow and following best practices for optimal performance. As your application grows, scale your job processing to meet increasing user demands. 

You'll be well-equipped to handle any challenge with the right tools and strategies. Head to Techdots if you need any help regarding development. 

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