Building Scalable RESTful APIs in Ruby on Rails
Discover best practices for building scalable RESTful APIs in Ruby on Rails. Learn performance optimization, caching, pagination, and rate limiting techniques.

APIs are at the heart of modern web and mobile applications, and for the fact they are the must-have to excel in modern business days. Ruby on Rails provides an excellent framework for developing robust and scalable APIs. Although Rails are best known for rapid development capabilities, building scalable APIs requires a thoughtful approach. 

In this blog, we’ll explore best practices for developing scalable RESTful APIs in Rails for performance optimization, pagination, caching, and rate limiting. 

Introduction to Building APIs in Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails has become a popular tool among developers because it’s simple and easy to use. Rails' API Mode streamlines the process of creating APIs.

Moreover, its "convention over configuration" methodology, take away the worries of technological specifics.

You may use Rails to create APIs that drive mobile apps, websites, and even smart devices like IoT gadgets. Additionally, adding features like user authentication, caching, or request limitation is simple and requires very little work thanks to its extensive library of add-ons, known as gems.

Overview of RESTful Principles and How They Apply to Rails API Development

RESTful APIs follow a set of principles that ensure consistency, predictability, and ease of use. These principles include:

  1. Statelessness: Each API request should be independent and carry all the information needed to process it. Rails naturally supports this with request-specific data management.
  2. Resource-Oriented Design: APIs are structured around resources, which are identified by URLs. For example, /users/1 refers to a specific user.
  3. HTTP Methods: CRUD operations map neatly to HTTP verbs:

  • GET: Retrieve data
  • POST: Create a new resource
  • PUT/PATCH: Update a resource
  • DELETE: Remove a resource
  1. Standardized Responses: HTTP status codes, such as 200 for success and 404 for not found, communicate the result of an API call clearly.

Designing Scalable RESTful APIs in Rails

Using Ruby on Rails to create a RESTful API can be a potent method to capitalise on the framework's advantages in streamlining typical API development activities. You can use Ruby on Rails to construct a scalable and reliable API by following this step-by-step guide:

Best Practices for Designing Scalable RESTful Endpoints

  • Use Namespaces: Organize routes with namespaces for versioning (/api/v1/users).
  • Keep Controllers Thin: Extract complex logic into services or decorators.
  • Use Serializer Gems: Gems like ActiveModel Serializers or JBuilder optimize response formatting.

Setting Up Your RESTful API

To set up your RESTful API, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a Framework for Your RESTful API Setup

First thing first, choose a framework. There are multiple well-known frameworks for creating RESTful APIs include Ruby on Rails, Django (Python), and Spring Boot (Java).
Data serialisation: To ensure consistency and user-friendliness for client applications, select a format for returning data, usually XML or JSON.
Security: Put authorisation and authentication procedures in place to guard against unwanted access to your API.

Step 2: Organizing Routes and Controllers for Maximum Efficiency

Next things is to find a route. Using HTTP methods and resources, map URLs to particular controller actions.Efficient route organization improves API scalability and maintainability. Define routes in config/routes.rb like this:

namespace :api do 

namespace :v1 do 

resources :users, only: [:index, :show, :create] 



Advanced Route Organization

When your API grows, organizing routes effectively is critical. Use nested resources and concerns to keep things manageable. For instance:

namespace :api do

  namespace :v1 do

    resources :users do

      resources :posts, only: [:index, :create]


    concern :commentable do

      resources :comments, only: [:index, :create]


    resources :posts, concerns: :commentable



This structure enables flexibility while avoiding route clutter.

Split large controllers into smaller, focused ones to avoid monolithic code.

Reducing Payload Size with select and as_json

Returning unnecessary data slows down responses. Use select to specify required fields:
users =, :name, :email).limit(10)
render json: users.as_json(only: [:id, :name])

Improving Payload Efficiency

You can use ActiveModel::Serializers to manage payloads and include/exclude attributes dynamically:

class UserSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer

  attributes :id, :name, :email

  has_many :posts


# In your controller

render json: @user, serializer: UserSerializer

For more control, consider using the fast_jsonapi gem for lightweight, efficient serialization.
Caching Strategies for High-Performance APIs

Caching is essential for reducing server load and response times.

Introduction to Caching Techniques in Rails

Rails offers built-in support for caching, including fragment caching, low-level caching, and HTTP caching.

Implementing Fragment and HTTP Caching

Use fragment caching for reusable partial responses:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
@users = Rails.cache.fetch("users_index", expires_in: 12.hours) do 
render json: @users

For HTTP caching, use response headers like Cache-Control:
Using Redis for Caching API Responses

Redis is a powerful tool for caching API data. Install the redis gem and configure your Rails app:

Rails.cache.write("users_list", users, expires_in: 6.hours)

cached_users ="users_list")

Fragment Caching Example

Here's how to cache individual parts of an API response:

def show

  @post = Post.find(params[:id])

  render json: Rails.cache.fetch("post_#{}") do

    @post.as_json(only: [:id, :title, :content])



This avoids recalculating the JSON for frequently accessed posts.

Redis Caching with Expiry

To prevent stale data in Redis, set expiration times:

Rails.cache.write("users_list", users.to_json, expires_in: 2.hours)

cached_users = Rails.cache.fetch("users_list") do



Redis helps handle high read volumes efficiently, especially for commonly requested resources.
Handling Pagination and Rate Limiting in Rails APIs

Implementing Pagination Using kaminari

Pagination limits the number of records returned per request, improving performance. Use kaminari for easy integration:

class UsersController < ApplicationController

  def index

    users =[:page]).per(10)

    render json: users



Certainly! Let’s expand the blog post with more code examples and detailed guidance on next steps.

Expanded Code Examples and Tips

Advanced Route Organization

When your API grows, organizing routes effectively is critical. Use nested resources and concerns to keep things manageable. For instance:

namespace :api do

  namespace :v1 do

    resources :users do

      resources :posts, only: [:index, :create]


    concern :commentable do

      resources :comments, only: [:index, :create]


    resources :posts, concerns: :commentable



This structure enables flexibility while avoiding route clutter.

Improving Payload Efficiency

You can use ActiveModel::Serializers to manage payloads and include/exclude attributes dynamically:

class UserSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer

  attributes :id, :name, :email

  has_many :posts


# In your controller

render json: @user, serializer: UserSerializer

For more control, consider using the fast_jsonapi gem for lightweight, efficient serialization.

Fragment Caching Example

Here's how to cache individual parts of an API response:

def show

  @post = Post.find(params[:id])

  render json: Rails.cache.fetch("post_#{}") do

    @post.as_json(only: [:id, :title, :content])



This avoids recalculating the JSON for frequently accessed posts.

Redis Caching with Expiry

To prevent stale data in Redis, set expiration times:

Rails.cache.write("users_list", users.to_json, expires_in: 2.hours)

cached_users = Rails.cache.fetch("users_list") do



Redis helps handle high read volumes efficiently, especially for commonly requested resources.

Enhanced Pagination

Integrating metadata into paginated responses provides users with helpful context:

def index

  users =[:page]).per(10)

  render json: {

    users: users,

    meta: {

      current_page: users.current_page,

      total_pages: users.total_pages,

      total_count: users.total_count




This empowers clients to build robust interfaces with navigation features like "Next" and "Previous."
Setting Up Rate Limiting with rack-attack

Rate limiting prevents abuse by restricting the number of requests per client. Install and configure rack-attack:

class Rack::Attack

  throttle('req/ip', limit: 100, period: 1.minute) do |req|




Customize responses for rate-limited clients:

self.throttled_response = lambda do |_env| 

[429, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, [{ error: 'Rate limit exceeded' }.to_json]] 


Custom Rate Limiting for Specific Actions

You can configure rack-attack to throttle specific endpoints:

class Rack::Attack

  throttle('logins/ip', limit: 5, period: 20.seconds) do |req|

    req.path == '/api/v1/sessions' && ? req.ip : nil



This targets login abuse without affecting other endpoints.

Building scalable RESTful APIs in Ruby on Rails requires a mix of best practices and performance optimization techniques. By structuring your API around REST principles, you can create an effective API in Ruby on Rails. Start implementing these strategies today to take your Rails APIs to the next level. Head to Techdots to build RESTful API keys. 

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