Kubernetes has become the backbone of containerized application management—but its complexity often presents a steep challenge.
Kamal, an open-source deployment tool is built to simplify and automate the intricate tasks of Kubernetes environments. With its robust CI/CD integration and emphasis on seamless scaling, Kamal equips DevOps teams to streamline deployments and enhance workflow efficiency.
In this guide, we’ll explore how Kamal transforms Kubernetes management, making it an essential tool for modern tech teams. So, let’s get into the topic.
Kamal is an open-source deployment tool designed to streamline the process of deploying applications in a Kubernetes environment.
As Kubernetes has become a cornerstone for managing containerized applications, Kamal addresses many complexities by simplifying deployment, scaling, and management tasks.
Here are the top reasons why Kamal matters:
Kubernetes Simplicity: While powerful, Kubernetes has a steep learning curve. Kamal abstracts many complexities, allowing teams to deploy applications with fewer manual configurations.
DevOps Integration: Kamal’s tight integration with CI/CD pipelines and tools like Docker enhances deployment automation and consistency.
Scalability and Reliability: Kamal’s features make scaling microservices more manageable and improve the reliability of production environments, especially in large-scale operations.
Kamal offers several powerful features that make it stand out in the Kubernetes ecosystem:
CI/CD Integration: Kamal integrates seamlessly with tools like GitHub Actions, Jenkins, and CircleCI to ensure that deployments are automated from code commit to production.
Container Orchestration: Managing Docker containers is a breeze with Kamal, as it helps in building, tagging, and pushing Docker images into your Kubernetes clusters.
Kubernetes Management: Kamal takes care of managing Kubernetes resources such as pods, services, and ingress, allowing developers to focus on coding rather than infrastructure.
Declarative Configuration: Kamal employs a declarative approach, where the desired state of your application is defined in YAML files. This allows for easy versioning and rollback.
Rollback Automation: One of Kamal's standout features is its automated rollback mechanism, which ensures that any failed deployments can revert to a stable state with minimal manual intervention.
Advanced Monitoring & Logging: Kamal integrates with tools like Prometheus and Grafana to provide detailed metrics and logs for your applications.
Here is a quick comparison of Kamal and other deployment tools that are used for scalability and microservice:
CI/CD Integration
Deep integration with CI/CD workflows, streamlining deployment and automation
Limited integration with CI/CD workflows
Basic CI/CD integration, primarily for local development
No CI/CD integration, focused on configuration overlay
Automated Rollbacks
Supports automated rollbacks for smoother error recovery
Limited support for rollbacks, requires manual configuration
Lacks native rollback mechanisms
Lacks rollback functionality
Kubernetes Resource Management
Simplifies resource management with automated controls
Complex resource management due to templating system
Focuses on build and development stages, limited production management
Emphasizes configuration overlays without resource management
Production-Level Features
Supports container orchestration, continuous deployment, and monitoring for production environments
Primarily focuses on templating for application packaging
Optimized for local development workflows, lacks robust production capabilities
Configuration overlays without production-level management tools
Real-Time Monitoring
Includes real-time monitoring for proactive issue resolution
No real-time monitoring, requiring external tools
No real-time monitoring, requires external integration
Lacks monitoring and automation features
Primary Use Case
Production-grade deployments with full CI/CD, scaling, and automation
Packaging and deploying Kubernetes applications as charts
Local development workflows and build automation
Overlaying and managing Kubernetes configurations without templates
Kamal is designed with a DevOps-first approach, making it an integral part of a CI/CD pipeline. Here's how Kamal fits into a typical workflow:
Code Changes and Commit: A developer pushes code changes to a Git repository (e.g., GitHub).
CI Pipeline: A CI tool (e.g., Jenkins) builds the application and triggers Kamal’s deployment process. Kamal automatically builds and tags Docker images.
Kubernetes Resource Management: Kamal defines Kubernetes manifests (for services, deployments, etc.) and pushes them to the cluster.
Deployment and Monitoring: The deployment is executed, and real-time monitoring is available via integrated services like Prometheus. In case of failure, Kamal's rollback feature automatically restores the previous version of the app.
Kamal’s ability to manage Docker and Kubernetes resources simplifies end-to-end deployments, making it indispensable in DevOps workflows that rely on automation.
Kamal introduces several advantages when considering system design in microservices architectures:
Scalability: Kubernetes natively supports scaling, and Kamal simplifies the process with automated updates to your deployment configurations.
Reliability: Automated rollbacks and health checks ensure that applications remain stable, even in case of errors during deployment.
Resource Optimization: Kamal helps optimize resource usage by automatically scaling applications based on real-time load and usage data, ensuring cost-efficiency.
Security: Through integration with Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) and secret management, Kamal helps enforce security policies across deployments.
Learn how to test Ruby on Rails with Capybara and RSpec.
Now that you know all the basics of Kamla and how it stands out for microservice and sclabaility, let’s walk through deploying a Ruby application using Kamal. But first, let’s talk about the prerequisites of cloud infrastructure:
To deploy the ruby-based application you need:
Define your Dockerfile:
FROM ruby:3.0
COPY . .
RUN bundle install
CMD ["rails", "server", "-b", ""]
kamal init
This will create a file in config/deploy.yml:
# Name of your application. Used to uniquely configure containers.
service: my-app
# Name of the container image.
image: my-user/my-app
# Deploy to these servers.
# job:
# hosts:
# -
# cmd: bin/jobs
# Enable SSL auto certification via Let's Encrypt (and allow for multiple apps on one server).
# If using something like Cloudflare, it is recommended to set encryption mode
# in Cloudflare's SSL/TLS setting to "Full" to enable end-to-end encryption.
ssl: true
host: app.example.com
# kamal-proxy connects to your container over port 80, use `app_port` to specify a different port.
# app_port: 3000
# Credentials for your image host.
# Specify the registry server, if you're not using Docker Hub
# server: registry.digitalocean.com / ghcr.io / ...
username: my-user
# Always use an access token rather than real password (pulled from .kamal/secrets).
# Configure builder setup.
arch: amd64
# Inject ENV variables into containers (secrets come from .kamal/secrets).
# env:
# clear:
# secret:
# Aliases are triggered with "bin/kamal <alias>". You can overwrite arguments on invocation:
# "bin/kamal logs -r job" will tail logs from the first server in the job section.
# aliases:
# shell: app exec --interactive --reuse "bash"
# Use a different ssh user than root
# ssh:
# user: app
# Use a persistent storage volume.
# volumes:
# - "app_storage:/app/storage"
# Bridge fingerprinted assets, like JS and CSS, between versions to avoid
# hitting 404 on in-flight requests. Combines all files from new and old
# version inside the asset_path.
# asset_path: /app/public/assets
# Configure rolling deploys by setting a wait time between batches of restarts.
# boot:
# limit: 10 # Can also specify as a percentage of total hosts, such as "25%"
# wait: 2
# Use accessory services (secrets come from .kamal/secrets).
# accessories:
# db:
# image: mysql:8.0
# host:
# port: 3306
# env:
# clear:
# secret:
# files:
# - config/mysql/production.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf
# - db/production.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup.sql
# directories:
# - data:/var/lib/mysql
# redis:
# image: redis:7.0
# host:
# port: 6379
# directories:
# - data:/
After generating kamal configuration, the next step is to update it. Edit the config/deploy.yml file that was created. Define the service, deployment, and environment settings for the Rails app.
Registry: Change server to your docker registry host(e.g registry.digitalocean.com ) or leave it blank for default Docker Hub. Replace my-user with registry username. Set KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD value in env.
Add array of IP addresses or hashes. E.g
Make sure you have ssh access to these servers.
You can configure your ssh user/pass/key in this section.
Add your app environments.
DB_HOST: Host name of your db
DB_USER: User of your db
You can persists storage volumes by define array of paths e.g:
- "app_storage:/app/storage"
Deploy the Ruby app to your Kubernetes cluster:
kamal deploy
Kamal will handle the deployment process, including setting up Kubernetes resources.
Kamal integrates with monitoring tools like Prometheus. Set up monitoring for your application to track performance and deployment health:
kamal monitor
If something goes wrong with your deployment, Kamal can automatically trigger a rollback:
kamal rollback
Optimizing Deployment Efficiency:
To maximize deployment efficiency with Kamal, follow these best practices:
In production environments, Kamal shines by offering advanced scaling and monitoring capabilities:
To set up Minikube, you need:
Download the Binary file and install it:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube && rm minikube-linux-amd64
minikube start
This will set up a local Kubernetes cluster. If you're using Docker as your container runtime, Minikube will automatically configure it.
You can check the status of your Minikube cluster with:
minikube status
Since Kamal works with Docker to build and manage images, you'll need to configure your Docker CLI to point to Minikube’s Docker environment:
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
This command will set your Docker environment variables to the Minikube cluster's daemon. Now, any Docker commands (such as build or push) will affect the Minikube cluster’s internal Docker registry rather than your local Docker environment.
You can verify this by running:
docker ps
To switch back to docker daemon when done with minikube::
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env --unset)
Once deployed, you can access your application using Minikube’s service functionality. To get the URL for your service, run:
minikube service <your-service-name> --url
Replace <your-service-name> with the name of your Kubernetes service (defined in your YAML file, typically ruby-app).
minikube service ruby-app --url
To verify that Kamal has correctly deployed the app, you can check the Kubernetes resources using kubectl:
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
This will show the running pods and services in your Minikube cluster.
That’s all you need to know about Kamal. It offers a streamlined, powerful approach to deploying applications in Kubernetes environments. Its tight integration with CI/CD workflows, automated rollbacks, and easy-to-use Kubernetes resource management make it a game-changer for DevOps teams.
By simplifying the complexities of Kubernetes, Kamal empowers teams to focus on building features while ensuring that their deployments are reliable, scalable, and secure.
Contact Techdots for assistance in microservices architecture or deploying a monolithic app via Kamal.
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